Spectators at Kremnické gagy are unconventional. |
Trio gunaros – brave teachers from Kremnica gaggled before almost every production. |
Music group ”January surprise” kindly surprised people at Kremnické gagy in August. |
Prešov music group Mloci was a part of festival veterans. |
Karavana form Spišská Nová Ves entertained fans of ska & reggae. |
Drápačky from Horná Streda was making a fun not only from our history but also from traditional theatricals. |
Lukáš Latinák as impresario in circus manege Teatro Tatro from Nitra. |
Bianca Braselli – the lady with two heads, was full housed two times. |
Roman Vykysalý and Jano Fakla renewed the cabaret from ”zero year” of Kremnické gagy 1981. |
Non teatro buffo or Slovak gag saga sometimes wanted to resemble with TV program ”Under the lamp”. |
Year-to-year visitors, specialists and new generation of visitors met in City Cultural Centre. |
Rasťo Piško moderated memorial program about Stano Radič in City Bureau. |
Marián Geišberg (with son) remembered Stano Radič and sang for him. |
Iveta Radičová took her husband's certificate of appreciation and Little Golden Gander from the founders of festival. |
The mayor of Kremnica. Miroslav Nárožný, gave Stano Radič honorary citizenship of Kremnica in memoriam. |
Ceremonial record about this event is written in town's chronicle. |
Guests and visitors mentioned Stano Radič very often during the festival. |
Little Red Riding Hood in performance of Kremnica´s theatre Kusy cukru was really successful. |
Teatro Tatro performed the story about Creating of the world for children. |
Vranov stilts theatre entertained people in Kremnica on Saturday. |
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