25th year (2005) > photos (21 - 41)

Spectators at Kremnické gagy are unconventional. Trio gunaros – brave teachers from Kremnica gaggled before almost every production.
Music group ”January surprise” kindly surprised people at Kremnické gagy in August. Prešov music group Mloci was a part of festival veterans.
Karavana form Spišská Nová Ves entertained fans of ska & reggae. Drápačky from Horná Streda was making a fun not only from our history but also from traditional theatricals.
Lukáš Latinák as impresario in circus manege Teatro Tatro from Nitra. Bianca Braselli – the lady with two heads, was full housed two times.
Roman Vykysalý and Jano Fakla renewed the cabaret from ”zero year” of Kremnické gagy 1981. Non teatro buffo or Slovak gag saga sometimes wanted to resemble with TV program ”Under the lamp”.
Year-to-year visitors, specialists and new generation of visitors met in City Cultural Centre. Rasťo Piško moderated memorial program about Stano Radič in City Bureau.
Marián Geišberg (with son) remembered Stano Radič and sang for him. Iveta Radičová took her husband's certificate of appreciation and Little Golden Gander from the founders of festival.
The mayor of Kremnica. Miroslav Nárožný, gave Stano Radič honorary citizenship of Kremnica in memoriam. Ceremonial record about this event is written in town's chronicle.
Guests and visitors mentioned Stano Radič very often during the festival. Little Red Riding Hood in performance of Kremnica´s theatre Kusy cukru was really successful.
Teatro Tatro performed the story about Creating of the world for children. Vranov stilts theatre entertained people in Kremnica on Saturday.
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