25th year (2005) > concept
25th Festival of humour and satire
Kremnica, 26. – 28. August 2005 (Friday – Sunday)

National exposition of humoristic productions
Kremnické Gagy, the only festival of humour and satire in Slovakia, presents the best humouristic productions of every art genre within the non-professional and professional productions. The members of Slovak Humour Academy nominate the programs which are the part of festival competition and the guests are invited by the festival`s dramaturgy. Traditional event established for public (including children, students and seniors) is visited especially by youth and middle age spectators and takes place in historical centre of Kremnica on several stages outside (Štefánikovo námestie) and inside the town`s cultural institutions on scenes and podiums.

Slovak Humour Academy
Slovak Humour Academy consists of famous celebrities and authorities of Slovak humour. The members of Slovak Humour Academy monitor the newest humour production in Slovakia during the past year or season following the Statute. After the season passed, they nominate two or three humouristic productions from every art genre, which they consider to be the best. Dramaturgy then invites and includes them into the program. During the evening award of Ganders, Slovak Humour Academy announces the laureate of the top humouristic award – Golden Gander – in every category and genre.

 Competition programs in blocks
Literary and songs circus
There will be attractive dramatic performances and untraditional programs under the real circus tent on Štefánikovo námestie. The authors nominated for the best literary works during the last season will yourself read sequences from their books; the publishers will present and sell them. There will be the best recitators with humouristic poetry or prose and the best Slovak songsters with their new special songs as well. The program will be presented by famous aphorist Tomáš Janovic, the youngest academician Peter Janků and utterance specialist Ivan Kováč.

”Dernissage” of the caricature exposition and declaration of the new festival`s logo
The representative exposition of nominated caricaturists will be again opened at least four weeks before the festival in Museum NBS in Kremnica. ”Dernissage” during Kremnické gagy will finish by the ”auction sale of blank sheet” and caricatures of authors. Before the ”dernissage” Slovak Humour Academy under the leadership of academician Ján Valter evaluates Slovak national competition of new logo for Festival of humour and satire Kremnické gagy, which will be the official logo for the following years. The best caricaturist will be awarded the Golden Gander, the winner of new logo design obtain the gratuity.

”New” Cup of improvisation
Traditional and favourite improvisations of three members groups have two rounds. During the first one the groups perform with the topics which they get to know in the presentation at the beginning of the festival. In the second round they compete by the ”catch out” system with the topics of performances drawed – aphorisms, proverbs and sayings. There perform also magicians and illusionists who improvise just at eye in the program.. The jury under the leadership of Milan Markovič awards the Golden Gander to the best improvisators, famous magician and illusionist Alexander Gerič awards the best magician.

The projections of aduiovisual productions
The best audio and audiovisual productions for the last season will be performed during the festival by their new academicians. Andrej Zmeček and Ľubomír Belák, the great specialists in these genres, invite the audiovisual authors to Kremnica. In friendly atmosphere of Poľovnícka reštaurácia, academicians present the works of authors, show the samples and acclaim the Golden Ganders for the season 2004/2005 in every category.

Sympózium o gýči (Bad Art Symposium)
The national collection of bad art is becoming to be permanent merit of Kremnica. After the year of bad art buy-out and live vernissage in the permanent exposition – Múzeum Slovenského gýča (The Bad Art Live Museum), the special public discussion –seminary about material and mental products of ”Common Slovak” lifestyle – Bad Art Symposium – will be held. Authors and creators of ”the most original” bad arts will be awarded by public and they will be promoted to be the artists, by which the value of their ”work” increase immediately. The Bad Art Symposium under the leadership of Bad Art laureate for the year 2004 Tatiana Kovačevičová and Bad Art Museum curator Roman Vykysalý bestows the greatest absurdity of the season 2004/2005 and give the award for the ”Most original Bad Art” as well.

Programs for children
During the festival there are lots of programs for children. Individual exposition of children caricatures, games and competitions or puppet productions will be the part of festival`s program. Most of them will be held on Saturday and Sunday morning. The best program will get The Children Golden Gander.

Others productions
Festival dramaturgy will provide others humouristic and entertaining genres for public in program`s blocks on several stages and podiums inside or outside. Theatre performances, cabaret or motional productions will be, following their character and technical demands, provided in Mestské kultúrne stredisko (Cultural Centre), Vinotéka Varhaňovský stage or in Partizán Cinema. Musical groups will be concentrated on the biggest festival`s stage, street productions on Štefánikovo námestie in Kremnica centre.

Golden Gander Awarding in 15 categories
Organizers and Slovak Humour Academy will award the best humouristic productions by prestigious prize of Slovak humourists Golden Gander in these genres:
A/ Category of collectives: Theatre productions, Musical productions, Cabaret and street productions, Motional productions, Puppet productions and productions for children, Scene productions
B/ Category for individuals: Caricaturists, Magicians and illusionists, Literary men and epigramatics, Songsters, Reciters
C/ Category for media: Audio productions (Radios/CD/MGF), Audiovisual productions (TV/films/DVD)
D/ Others categories: Gunárik (Little Gander) – New Artist of a Year, Trafená hus (the greatest absurdity, bad art)

Based on the theme of decedent festival dramaturge Stano Radič, popular moderators unit short exhibits of Golden Gander laureates from every humouristic category with present academicians and humouristic celebrities` virtuosity into one big festival ”gagaprogram” called GOLDEN GANDER. The performance will be recorded by TV on Saturday evening show and will be the real final performance of the greatest Slovak humour.

 Non-competitive programs and attraction
The Alley of Famous Noses
New nose will come to Kollárova ulica. It will be the nose of famous and prestigious humourist. Who will it be, this suggested Milan Lasica during the exposé of the nose of Július Satinský. Except for Jaro Filip it will be also his close friend and fellow Stano Radič.

Work-shops – street attractions and show
One week before starting the festival there will come younger and older people whose lives are connected with theatre to Kremnica to prepare lots of street happenings within the topics given. During the festival they will be put the finishing touches to the town`s decoration, strengthen the atmosphere among visitors and they will invite them in untraditional ways for the events and programs held in those days.

Kremnica horologe
From the jubilee year the festival will have another attraction - Kremnica horologe. Above the Labyrint club on Štefánikovo námestie there will appear ”the saint humourists” in the windows during three days. How much of them and who will it be is secret so far.

Philharmonic goose-choir on Kremnica`s tower
New singer group will have its first performance during the following festival. Its repertoire will consist of world-known melodies, by which they will announce the beginning of the festival, opening the Alley of Famous Noses, arrival of famous guests, Golden Ganders Awarding etc. Goose-choir introduces for the first time also the festival of humour`s anthem ”Nad Grobňou sa blýska, husi divo vyjú…”

Veterans of humour and 25 s.r.o.
25th year of festival is really right occasion to meet with the ex-members of ”humour-satirical resistance”. Organizers will invite all significant authors and interpreters from the first and next years of festival Slovak or Kremnické gagy to Kremnica. Lots of them will perform during The Cup of Improvisation, Golden Gander Awarding, but especially in the individual program 25 s.r.o. which will be performed like the conference of 25 humourists about two absurd events, which happened in Kremnica in the past. ”The most brave” and ”the most frequent” performers – veterans will obtain the benefit card: ”Kremnická 255-ka”.

The night oracl
Kremnica`s towers provide their mysterious rooms for the meeting with the ”specialists for the prognosis of happiness.” Reputable foretellers with the help of medium outline the future not only to curious visitors and famous humourists but also to attendant politicians and public functionary whose political perspective will be monitored and published by journalists.

Veselá je tráva
Relatively friendly football match: GAGTEAM v. KREMNICA
28th August 2005, football ground, Kremnica
(at the end of 25th year of Kremnické gagy 2005)
Organizers were thinking hard how to entertain people much more than they are during the festival. So that they organize funny-sporting show. GAGTEAM will consist of top humourists or celebrities who will be able to come in from the cloakroom to grass. If we arrange the transmission amounts for the players till August, famous or unknown players from the field of sport and show business will play there. Kremnica team will be represented by players who play higher league but they come from Kremnica or those who are in touch with organizers. The score of match is still discussed and there is a danger of not have it clear till the last minute.
The match will be commented by great but still not estimated non-professional commentator Peter Pavlík. The proceeds will go to charity which is the only serious idea of the festival.

 Sponsors and medial presentation
25th year of the festival will proceed in co-operation with medial sponsors and promoted in digital and press media. Campaign will be presented in STV, TA3, Ružinovská TV, Rádio Express, daily papers SME, Národná obroda, in Hypernova supermarket all around Slovakia and by P.R. in regional media. The main sponsor, sponsors and medial sponsors will be presented according to their contribution in co-operation during the festival.