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Pavel Vilikovský (writer) is congratulating Tomáš Janovic on his 70 th birthday in Labyrint club. |
Kornel Földvári analysed Tomáš Janovic´s work as usual: “briefly and clearly“. |
Jakub Nvota and Kamil Žiška in the production of JW production Bratislava prepared special program: VEČER pre TOMÁŠA JANOVICA or Piano Revue špeciál. |
At the end of program there came Milan Markovič and in accord with Slovak Humour Academy he gave Tomáš Janovic the Golden gander for... everything. |
Milan Markovič performed one of his special programs for Gagy called JEDEN Z TÝCH ČO NEODÍDU. |
The king of Slovak comedians – commemoration of František Dibarbora. Dibarbora´s son Michal and comedian Milan Lasica. |
Audiovisual talk show was full of memories and authentic shots from interviews and performances of František Dibarbora. |
Historical and contemporary connection of Slovak humour in Kremnica´s Labyrint club. |
Zámocké square under the Town Castle with hundreds of visitor. |
Bratislava Hot Serenaders and Golden gander awarding created unrepeatable atmosphere, although it was followed with sharp fall of temperature. |
Finale of festival – the best orchester in Kremnické gagy´s history. |
Soloists Milan Lasica and Miloš Stančík sang famous evergreens from 20s and 30s of last century. |
Fourteen great orchestral players and Sisters Serenaders trio. |
Nineteen Golden ganders and one Trafená hus (the prize for the most awkward work or event of a year) were waiting for their holders. |
Actress Oľga Belešová moderated fetival´s galaprogram where Milan Markovič – president of Slovak Humour Academy hold his speech. |
The academician Peter Kováč awarded Golden gander in the category “theatre productions“ to the Theatre GUnaGU from Bratislava, Oľga Belešová was frankly surprised. |
Oľga Belešová is tasting the “wedding-cake“ which she decorated for “husband and wife“ - Golden gander laureates. |
Radko Radiar Tiňo from Zamutov took over the award in the category “songsters“ as a “delegate“ of Ivo Had Weiss. |
Peter Janků awarded Golden gander in the category “music groups“ to two girls from Banská Bystrica´s music group Sto múch. |
Academician Ján Valter awarded Golden gander to Danka Zacharová, caricaturist from Bratislava. |
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