27th year (2007) > photos (61 - 80)
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Pavel Vilikovský (writer) is congratulating Tomáš Janovic on his 70 th birthday in Labyrint club. Kornel Földvári analysed Tomáš Janovic´s work as usual: “briefly and clearly“.
Jakub Nvota and Kamil Žiška in the production of JW production Bratislava prepared special program: VEČER pre TOMÁŠA JANOVICA or Piano Revue špeciál. At the end of program there came Milan Markovič and in accord with Slovak Humour Academy he gave Tomáš Janovic the Golden gander for... everything.
Milan Markovič performed one of his special programs for Gagy called JEDEN Z TÝCH ČO NEODÍDU. The king of Slovak comedians – commemoration of František Dibarbora. Dibarbora´s son Michal and comedian Milan Lasica.
Audiovisual talk show was full of memories and authentic shots from interviews and performances of František Dibarbora. Historical and contemporary connection of Slovak humour in Kremnica´s Labyrint club.
Zámocké square under the Town Castle with hundreds of visitor. Bratislava Hot Serenaders and Golden gander awarding created unrepeatable atmosphere, although it was followed with sharp fall of temperature.
Finale of festival – the best orchester in Kremnické gagy´s history. Soloists Milan Lasica and Miloš Stančík sang famous evergreens from 20s and 30s of last century.
Fourteen great orchestral players and Sisters Serenaders trio. Nineteen Golden ganders and one Trafená hus (the prize for the most awkward work or event of a year) were waiting for their holders.
Actress Oľga Belešová moderated fetival´s galaprogram where Milan Markovič – president of Slovak Humour Academy hold his speech. The academician Peter Kováč awarded Golden gander in the category “theatre productions“ to the Theatre GUnaGU from Bratislava, Oľga Belešová was frankly surprised.
Oľga Belešová is tasting the “wedding-cake“ which she decorated for “husband and wife“ - Golden gander laureates. Radko Radiar Tiňo from Zamutov took over the award in the category “songsters“ as a “delegate“ of Ivo Had Weiss.
Peter Janků awarded Golden gander in the category “music groups“ to two girls from Banská Bystrica´s music group Sto múch. Academician Ján Valter awarded Golden gander to Danka Zacharová, caricaturist from Bratislava.
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