The Middle-European Festival of Humour and Satire
concept for the years 2007-2009
The only festival of humour and satire in Slovakia
Kremnické gagy is the only festival in Central European region which has been concentrating on quality humour and satire in various art genres. Festival´s program is the national exposition of best humouristic and satiristic productions in Slovak republic together with a display of interesting foreign performers and celebrities from Central European area or from European Union. Art work or performances from last season are nominated by members of Slovak National Academy and these nominations are based on the recommendations of Slovak National Academy Academical plenum members or they are chosen from application forms on festival´s internet pages. Home and foreign guests are selected after careful survey of festival´s dramaturgy, Slovak Humour Academy members´ recommendations and after cooperation with cultural organizations and art agencies.
Spontaneous origin and permanent natural interest
Festival Kremnické gagy (originally Slovenské gagy) was established by successful chamber ensemble student theatre (Kremnické divadlo v podzemí) with a help of young people interested in art and theatre in local youth club Labyrint. From the very beginning Kremnické divadlo v podzemí has been trying to present great non-professional and skilled professional performers. Trend of free art confrontation regardelss of authors and performers´ origin and earn for living way is empowered by effort to join Slovak regions´ art works with cultural centre (Bratislava, the capital) in symbolic centre of Slovakia or Europe. Festival ingratiate itself with people from all Slovakia and Czech republic more and more, visitors from abroad also come to visit and see the performances. Three-days event generally organized in the end of summer is annually visited by 8 000 – 10 000 spectators from young and middle generation. Parents with their children also enjoy the festival and performances.
Great position, enviroment and atmoshere
Festival Kremnické gagy is situated in ideal territory of Central Slovakia and has great exterior and interior enviroments in historical centre of ancient minning town Kremnica, which provides very positive atmosphere of event. Festival disposes with several chamber or large podiums and stages with the capacity from 100 to 800 seats for spectators.
Beginnings, troubles and professionalisation
Festival Kremnické gagy overcame difficult beginnings, social conditions changings and long period of unconcern and lack of finance. At the present time, festival has stable team of organizers with professional dramaturgy, creative propagation and coordinative organization. As an aim to integrate the festival into European cultural context, organizers also cooperate with partners from abroad.
Organizers and partners
Festival Kremnické gagy is organised by Mesto Kremnica (Kremnica City) with the local government support, Nezisková organizácia NEO (Nonprofit organization), n.o. Bratislava, G.A.G. – umelecká agentúra (art creative agency), spol. s r.o. Banská Bystrica, Spolok KM Labyrint (Club KM Labyrint – Civic association), o.z. Kremnica and Múzeum gýča (Bad Art Museum – Civic association), o. z. Kremnica. Stable sponsors and medial partners are among important partners of festival and foreign co-operators and institutions are offering their support and interest. Local accommodations, restaurants and recreational services in historical centre and outskirts are raising the standards and their capacity.
Slovak Humour Academy and prestigious awards
Independent group of top specialists and representative active artists from various art professions created at festival the Slovak Humour Academy and at the present time its function is to monitor, evaluate (following the Statute) and annually award best art performances in humour and satire productions for the last season. The most prestigious award is Golden Gander which is awarded in 15 categories. As a longtime aim of Slovak Humour Academy is to motivate and support actors/actresses and creators of sophisticated humour and satire to progress into more quality and advanced work in every art genre in order to reflect important social movements in the field of humouristic and satiric performances and productions.
Festival of various genres, artists and celebrities
Festival Kremnické gagy is a presentation of the best Slovak humour and satire, orientated towards the quality and support of new creative, cultural advanced productions for all generations of visitors. Festival´s Kremnica is a very friendly place to confront young and unknown artists with prestigious celebrities, place for creative workshops and specialized programs, event for performances of home and foreign individuals. Great theatre performances, music groups concerts, exposition of caricatures, collages and photographs are the main festival events. Minority genres, untraditional street productions and competition of improvisation are the other part of Kremnické gagy.
Kremnica – Mekka of humour and satire
Festival´s events like The Alley of Famous Noses, Bad Art Museum, Expositions of caricaturists are becoming the stable part of ancient town´s life and tourist trade. Lots of art works and also the notations/records from particular years stay in Kremnica and they create tradition and history of Slovak humour and satire. With a rising visit rate of festival, Kremnica is becoming the ”Mekka of Slovak humour and satire” for hundreds of performers which are favoured to perform at festival. It is also the occasion for older, but still quality humourists to teach and give their experiences to young talented artists. Festival´s dramaturgy is either trying to connect the event with Kremnica´s citizens by interatcive workshops for children, students art-works expositions and by involving them into the festival following the idea of creative works in the field of humour and satire.
Festival for children and young people
Festival Kremnické gagy is not only the event for humour and satire specialists, but also the time of pleasure and relaxation for all people. Productions for children are traditional part of festival. Young generation is lured by unconvential music groups and interpreters and other people enjoy their favourite Slovak or Czech celebrities and great foreign artists from Central and Western Europe. Older generation is delighted by jazz or swing atmosphere on town´s sqares and places, by street artists, funny forms of refreshments and by other festival events.
International festival full of experiences, surprises and attractions
Twenty-seven years of festival can prove that festival is viable and has a tradition among two generations of home well-wishers and supporters from all around the Slovakia. Every year is richer with new experiences, favourite celebrities, famous couples and art groups. Festival becomes an international event, extends into Central European scope and has an ambition to acquire the artists from all European Union. As a long-time effort is to accomplish it as a big European festival of humour and satire, which concentrates the best humouristic and satiric productions for several days into Kremnica.
Festival´s genres
Permanent festival´s stages