history (1981-2007) > brief history
The festival with its original name Slovenské gagy (Slovak gags), got its birth by members of theatre Kremnické divadlo v podzemí in Kremnica´s youth club Labyrint. The festival started with a premier of cabaret performance NON TEATRO BUFFO alebo Sága gagu slovenského and with another non-professional performances 13th November 1981. In that time, the imaginary University of humour and satire was established and famous caricaturist V. Kubal became its first president. The best Slovak artists – writers: T. Janovic, P. Gregor, P. Petiška, P. Vilikovský and M. Žiak, caricaturists from Roháč magazine: M. Vavro and M. Sliacky and another caricaturists: I. Popovič, P. M. Kubiš, J. Vydrnák and Ľ. Kotrha, singers and musicians: D. Valúch and J. Filip, actors and theatre artists: S. Štepka, J. Mokoš, M. Labuda and M. Zimková, humourists: M. Markovič, O. Andrássy, E. Vacvalová and S. Radič joined the first years of festival. There came also guests from Prague: J. Borna and J. Dušek (theatre Vizita, Prague). Theatre artists, actors, musical bands and groups performed in attractive interior and exterior places of ancient Kremnica and people could see grotesque films from A. Vincík film collection and caricaturists´ expositions of Slovak and Czech caricaturists as well. There were thousands of home and foreign spectators in Kremnica´s streets and courts and they enjoyed the atmosphere, entertainment and relaxation during the festival. Among another artists, F. Vico, M. Vaněk, B. Pernecký, I. Lackovič, J. Schuster, K. Kanala, M. Barták or collage artists E. Svrček exhibited their work. Humourists J. Snopko, R. Piško, R. Kaizer, R. Slanina, N. Antalík started their career here. Puppeteers A. Anderle, T. Plaszky, Stražanovci, theatre Divadlo na rázcestí, mime V. Kulíšek, singers from Vločka, Slnovrat, Prešpork, theatres Úsmev, Maják, Veritas, GunaGu, Disk, Geg, Droll, Pictus, Šok, Stoka, ... musical groups Mloci, Bukasový Masív, Drišľak, Prameň, Vodopád, Tučná Anča, Slniečko... and Desně fajn from Opava and swordsmen from Bojnice, Bratislava and Banská Bystrica showed their art in Kremnica. The studio of pantomime: Štúdio Pantomímy M. Kasprzyka from Liptovský Mikuláš and folk music group LOJZO from Bratislava have been the most frequent guests in the festival. Theatre of Samo Chalupka from Brezno, theatre Pegasník and Mandragora from Bratislava, theatre Kubínske prefíkané divadlo, Theatre group from Partizánske, Korbáč from Myjava, theatre Štúdio 77 from Spišská Nová Ves, theatre Radošinské naivné divadlo, NO from Žilina, theatre Z-divadlo from Zeleneč, theatre Ha-divadlo from Brno, Mimóza, Sklep and J. Dědeček from Prague, singers R. Grigorov, P. Lipa, music groups P. Breiner & Revival jazz band, Funny Fellows, Vidiek, Bez ladu a skladu and many others have enriched the atmosphere of festival. There were also projections of amateur films and film clubs, especially Nicolaus from Liptovský Mikuláš. After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, when the social and political system changed, it was possible to invite the actor M. Kopecký and L. Klausová from Prague, J. Pecha and theatre Husa na provázku from Brno to attend the festival. Festival also remembers great literature authors who worked in Kremnica. In memory of Gustáv K. Laskomerský, he was declared the rector of University of humour and satire during 3rd year of festival and great glossarist of that time Ľudo Tatran was important member of organisation commission lots of years. In 1998, after years of festival´ existence in ancient mining and coiner town Kremnica, it was renamed to Kremnické gagy.

Until 2003 young people from Kremnica´s youth club Labyrint kept festival´s existence. They cooperated with theatre artists and musicians from all around of Slovakia. Among the guests of festival in Kremnica there were: theatre Vranovské chodúľové divadlo, Lunetrdlo from Partizánska Ľupča, Srandovná bánovská zostava, theatre Túlavé divadlo from Trnava, Femina from Dolný Kubín, Commedia from Poprad, Yemelo from Banská Štiavnica and mostly M. Kasprzyk with his students. Musicians like: P. Janků, Malevil, Hudba z Marsu and Greksabath. There came also the mimes from Czech republic: M. Hecht and Cvoci. There happened very important change for the festival in 2004. With the suggestion of S. Radič Akadémia humoru Slovenska (Slovak Humour Academy) was established during 24th year of festival and Milan Lasica became its president. The function of Slovak Humour Academy members is to monitor and evaluate best art performances in humour and satire productions for the last season. They (following the Statute) also annually award the best slovak humouristic performances in Kremnica with a prize Golden Gander and also award the prize for the biggest awkward thing or act – Trafená hus. There was also created The Alley of Famous Noses in 2004 in honour of worthy humourists. There are faces (or more precisely noses) reliefs of J. Satinský, J. Filip, S. Radič, V. Kubal, M. Kochanský, K. Kolníková and J. Melkovič to remember that there is a need to have ´good nose´ to create humour and satire with long-lasting value. In 2005 the Alive exhibition of bad art was reestablished and one year later the Bad Art Museum was created. Since 2004 the festival has its own web page, where the information about festival´s program for public are provided. Since 2006 the artists from Poland and Hungary have been taking part in festival. In 2007 so called ´west productions´ have been involved in festival´s program - the artists from France, Germany and Swiss. Festival portfolio has been connected with all Europe artists progressively During 28th year of Kremnické gagy there will perform more than 300 artists from Slovakia and from all around the Europe with productions from which lots of them will hold their premiere in central Europe. Art groups and soloists take their performances in town centre on twelve interior and exterior stages - means special prepared town squares and courtyards which are waiting for hundreds or thousands of visitors. Festival is currently the greatest multigenres exhibition of top humour and satire in central Europe. Young talents and old experienced veterans, amateurs and professionals are festival´s permanent performers. As the essential part of festival is the popular competition of three members groups which are trying to win ”Pohár improvizácie” (”The Cup of improvisation”). This competition is a high-light of festival from 5th year of Kremnické gagy.