kitschs museum > history
The world exposition ”GÝČ ´82” (”The Bad Art ´82”) was established by Roman Vykysalý, art forging specialist and member of Kremnické divadlo v podzemí during the second year of Festival of humour and satire Slovenské gagy (16th September – 19th September, 1982). The vernissage was opened on 17th September, 1982 at 2.00 p.m. in Kremnica’s tower which is a part of town’s fort (there is Information Centre today), in the area which is so-called Medzibránie (Intergate).

That time, Roman Vykysalý wrote the short article for the festival’s bulletin (Gagoviny 1/82):
We live in a world which has an effect to every human by its standard or non-standard houses, apartments and by lots of another odds, objects and items. The man as an entity with a need of creativity, guide with its taste and mind, is trying to reshape the world and make it more beautiful. The ”art creator”, influenced by items smiling at him from the shop-windows (and at other people as well), trying to attract his attention to buy them, is awaking in him. When we look at them, at nice and likeable products, we should rather take into consideration, whether the work hours and supplies to create them are not useless and that they could be use much more wise and needful. That is why we have decided to organize so-called exposition of what we are able to create and what we should frankly and critically stand against. Let this exposition be warning against the rudiments of bad taste which are still snoozing in our minds!

The exposition was repeated on 15th September – 18th September, 1983 – during the third year of festival Slovenské gagy.

From the reviews:
…and indeed, as an equivalent, the first Slovak exposition of industrial and ”manufactory” bad art. (The last mentioned was established by collective enthusiasm, everyone who caught the idea brought at least one home ”exhibit”). The organizing team is planning to open Permanent Exposition of Bad Art in its contemporary forms.
SMER – 24.9.1982 (MACHOVIČ, Rudolf: Mesto plné zábavy)

…at the Exposition of Bad Art. Someone has an idea of ”Permanent Exposition of Bad Art” in Kremnica, and we thought it is a joke. The ”great” Prague would not be big enough, neither ”little” Kremnica. We could see porcelain, drops, table-napkins, the pictures on wood, candlesticks (everything from the organizing team’s private collections), but the most important things were not there – the most often very expensive consumer goods as fashion news sold in great amounts. The bad art is a matter of culture but there were only the things which people buy as gifts (considered to be the bad art) and not the common needs, although we have our homes full of them.
TELEVÍZIA – 18.10. 1982 (BARANOVIČ, Miro: Drahý humor zadarmo)

…The Kremnica’s tower is haunted with the Exposition GÝČ ´82. It sooner resembles the Hunter’s club where the deer antlers and forest animals paintings are exhibited. It all shows what we have in our houses…
SMENA – 23.9.1982 (JERŠEVSKÁ, Petra: Gagiáda po slovensky)

…The folk group LOJZO was the part of parade from Kremnica’s Medzibránie to Rest home where the Exposition of Bad Art was opened. This introduction and speech during the opening ceremony and connected with exposition of ”exhibits” in the crowded club promised really interesting spectacle. But later, when the number of visitors decreased, it was possible to look around the exposition hall and there were hardly thirty exhibits. The slogan: ”Do not beat (only) the dwarf” was enforced and the exposition got new name: Industrial Bad Art.
Unfortunately, this year it was again the dwarf who was beaten the most…
SMENA – 24.9.1983 (MURÍN, Gustáv: Gýč, či negýč – to je otázka?)

The vernissage of Common Slovak Life Style called Christening party or Živé Múzeum Slovenského GÝČA (The Bad Art Live Museum) was carried out at Kremnické gagy 2004 and Roman Slanina, Adrián Ohrádka, Jaroslav Rusnák and amateur actors performed there. An unscripted performance held its premiere on 28th August 2004 at 11.00 a.m. and had a second at 1.00 p.m.and 5.00 p.m. in the room of Cremnicium association (Galéria Archív) in Kollárova street. The exposition was opened by Bohuš Wollner.

The first attempt for opening Permanent Exposition of Bad Art was established on 3rd July, 2005 in bourgeoisie ground-floor room on Štefánikovo nám. č. 14 in Kremnica (the entrance from Kollárova ulica through the courtyard – The Alley of Famous Noses). It has been so far the biggest collection (more than 200 pieces) of bad art items collected here, mainly like gifts or loans.
Ceremonious opening with parody of saggy socialistic festival was performed by members of Kremnica’s theatre – Kusy cukru, leads by Peter Ľuptovský and Klára Štrofeková. Intrudactory speech and ”special comment” for describing the exhibits held the guardian of exposition, Jaroslav Furiš. The vernissage took part in traditional town’s festival – Dobýjanie kremnického hradu (Capturing the Kremnica’s castle).

The first live (un)judicial treatment about ”the role of bad art in art and society” took place in Cremnicium association area (Galéria Archív) in Kollárova ulica at the festival Kremnické gagy 2005. Ondrej Mularčík (judge), Jaroslav Furiš (secretary), Ivan Kováč (adducer), Roman Vykysalý (accused of propagation of bad art as a part of ”real” art), Adrián Ohrádka (solicitor), Platon Baker and others (as attorneys) performed in the semi-improvisational performance called SYMPÓZIUM O GÝČI (Bad Art Symposium). Jiří Olič, Rasťo Piško, Ján Grexa (as a representative instead of Ivan Popovič) stood up with their evidence on the court as witnesses.

The Prime Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda visited Permanent Exposition of Bad Art at the festival Kremnické Gagy 2005. The guardians of exposition Roman Vykysalý and Jaroslav Furiš greeted and brought him forward into symposium.

After public acceptance of many visitors, the Civic Association for Museum of Bad Art was established by the end of 2005. The Museum of Bad Art was registrated at the Department of Home Affairs (on 10th February, 2006) and its delegates: Martin Úradníček, Ivo Stražovec, Jaroslav Furiš, Roman Vykysalý and Ján Fakla started the activity of Civic Association for the Museum of Bad Art. Roman Vykysalý became its president and Martin Úradníček is the council president. The regular authority for the Museum of Bad Art Academy is being prepared by Civic Association which is going to regard at important activities of museum as well as Club of Museum of Bad Art Friends which supports the function of Museum of Bad Art.

The Brotherhood of people around the world is established by the principle of Bad Art. Nobody of us is able to avoid it. Bad Art is a part of human being.
M. Kundera

Photos: Miloš Lacko, Ivan Čillík, Filip Lašut, Ján Miškovič, Ján Fakla