The Alley of Famous Noses was established 28 th August, 2004 during the 24 th festival Kremnické gagy 2004. The author of idea is Roman Vykysalý. Noses as symbols of commemoration were devised by Stano Radič. |
The Alley of Famous Noses is located in Kremnica centre on Kollárova ulica, near Štefánikovo námestie. The noses are arranged in courtyard behind the house of Ján Levoslav Bella, where Bad Art Museum is situated. |
The ceremonial exposure of first humourists sculpture was compered by great humourists and fellow Stano Radič, who helps the festival in very unsparing way. |
Milan Lasica and Tomáš Janovic visited the opening ceremony as well. Roman Vykysalý is satisfied with high visit rate of event. |
Ján Fakla is reading the letter from Július Satinský to founders of Festival of humour and satire Slovenské gagy in 1981. Milan Lasica is listening carefully because he hears it for the first time. |
Elena Vacvalová and her husband also visited the event of opening the Alley of Famous Noses. Roman Slanina and Ľubomír Belák, creators of KG´ 2004 document, were also there. |
Milan Lasica presented the main harangue about his fellow – Július Satinský. He proposed to draft and install another Slovak humourist´s nose – the nose of Jaroslav Filip. About his own nose sculpture Milan Lasica proclaimed – ”…I take my time…” |
Spectators and medias really enjoyed the event. Journalists´ remarks are situated on this webpage in ”Reports” of 24 th year (2004). |
The first sculpture with the nose of Július Satinský, famous humourist, actor, writer and aphorist was exposed by Milan Lasica. |
The author of work is Karol Jozef H öger from Kremnica. Based on the idea of Roman Vykysalý, the tradition of creating the sculptures of famous noses was established. |